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Smith Chiropractic Gives Back

Giving back to the community we serve is not an option

At Smith Chiropractic giving back to the community we serve is not an option. According to Dr. Smith, “growing up in a family whose motto is, “if you can, you should”, community engagement, volunteerism and giving back comes second nature.

The following are some highlights of our community engagement

  • Smith Chiropractic Foundation

    26 years of the Berkeley Heights 5K:  When Dr. Smith started the Berkeley Heights 5K (BH5K) charity road race & fitness walk there was some criticism that we kept some of the charitable funds raised, so to answer this, we created the nonprofit Smith Chiropractic Foundation to act as a parent company and to co-present our charity event. Best decision ever! Besides hosting the BH5K annually, the foundation has been able to either host or assist other charitable fundraisers including the Jersey Strong Project. Spearheaded by a group of caring beach kids, the Jersey Strong project raised funds to help rebuild the boardwalks in Lavallette, Ortley Beach & Seaside Heights destroyed by Super Storm Sandy.

    In 2022 the BH5K celebrated its 25th anniversary.  We dedicated this race to local first responders and presented checks to the Berkeley Heights Volunteer Rescue and Fire departments as well as to the BH Police Dept.  To date, the race has raised almost $300,000 which is all given back to local organizations.

    In 2024, after 26 years of organizing the event and $314,000 in charitable contributions,  Dr. Smith passed the baton of the Berkeley Heights 5K Charity Road Race and Fitness Walk to the capable hands of Marianne Wilson and the Kimberley Anne Wilson Foundation.  Their focus on caring and giving to those with mental health challenges was a perfect fit to carry on the legacy of the community-oriented BH5K.

    For more information about this race please visit the Kimberly Anne Wilson Foundation website Kimberly Anne Wilson Foundation.

  • Berkeley Heights Business & Civic Association - founder and chairman for 7 years

    Headquartered in Berkeley Heights, this local business and civic association with over 300 members has achieved much since its formation in 2017. Creating and hosting the successful BH Downtown Summer Block Party, helped transform the BH Free Summer Concerts in the Park to record attendances and the place to be on Wednesday Summer evenings in BH including our First Responder Concert festivals, hosts Free Breakfast networking meeting/workshops including our annual Breakfast with the Mayor & Town Council, hosts free After Hour Socials at the finest places in BH, all meant to allow local business & civic leaders to “Be Known” and help bring them together with local government and residents.  Dr. Smith retired from the BHB&C board in 2024 and has passed the organization’s leadership over to several highly competent local business leaders.

    For more information about BHB&C please visit

  • Trex Thin Film Recycling Program

    A partnership between Taylor Rental & Smith Chiropractic collected and recycled thin film plastics (over 2 tons from us).  The program secured free Trex park benches (21) made from recycled plastic, each engraved with the sponsor organization and placed around town. The program is in partnership with Sustainable BH.  The township of Berkeley Heights has continued this important environmental program with the collection of thin film at DPW headquarters.

  • Veterans Memorial Park Restoration & Maintenance Committee Member

    Restored and improved the BH Veterans Memorial Park and beautifully maintained it, to both honor our veterans and for all to enjoy and be proud of again.

  • Peppertown Park Renewal Committee Member

    Helping to re-envision and revitalize this historic park and bring it back to become a pocket park in downtown BH for all residents visiting to enjoy for decades to come.

  • BH Economic Development Committee Member

    A new committee, decades in the making, of local business, community & township leaders to enhance downtown BH and the greater business community for all to enjoy and ensure that the developing “The Park” at the Connell complex and downtown were connected.  Created and funded a video highlighting Berkeley Heights to help attract quality commercial projects to the town.  Created a comprehensive list of all downtown commercial property owners with contact information to help connect the township and property owners.  Helped to create a Technical Review Committee to

  • Berkeley Heights Veterans Affairs Committee - founding member and first

    Helped create programs to better connect the local veterans to the community.

What Our Patients Say

Paul G.
auto accident
“I was not a stranger to chiropractic; I had seen two or three doctors previous to the accident. But it was at this time that I had the great good fortune to meet and be treated by Dr. Patrick Smith. Dr. Smith is an extraordinary diagnostician and superb practitioner of his science and art. As pain and stiffness worsened Pat developed a course of treatment that was, and is, most effective in keeping me mobile, flexible and almost, but not entirely, pain free.”
Kay L.
shoulder replacement
“Treatment at Smith Chiropractic has been unerringly professional, kind and so highly intelligent that my 40 years of hospital work has led me to make Smith Chiropractic my first stop whenever I need to consider surgery or medical care or make medical decisions.”
Cindi P. (parent)
sports injuries
“Dr. Smith has treated many of my children's injuries from recovery after broken bones, shoulder tendonitis, pinched nerves, hip flexor problems, and a torn calf muscle. His deep knowledge of how to treat athletes has allowed them to play through their injuries, rather than taking a significant amount of time off from their sport, along with his ability to understand and quickly diagnose a problem, in my opinion, has prevented more severe issues. ”