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We Provide the Finest Natural Health Services in a Family-Friendly Atmosphere

Our accurate diagnosis and individualized care results in great outcomes

Our mission at Smith Chiropractic Family Care & Sports Injury Center is to provide each patient with the finest natural health services in a family-friendly atmosphere, which are affordable and exceed expectations. We work hard for our Smith Chiropractic family and continue to learn and incorporate new health innovations to provide the best possible care. Our 35 years of experience have led to a strong belief that an accurate diagnosis and individualized care result in great outcomes.

We also strive to find and associate with the best healthcare providers. We realize that while we cannot treat every problem our patients have, we can make sure that each individual receives the best possible care at all times to achieve and maintain optimum wellness.

For more information about the services we offer and the conditions we treat, please select one of our specialties below and request an appointment today.

What Our Patients Say

Paul G.
auto accident
“I was not a stranger to chiropractic; I had seen two or three doctors previous to the accident. But it was at this time that I had the great good fortune to meet and be treated by Dr. Patrick Smith. Dr. Smith is an extraordinary diagnostician and superb practitioner of his science and art. As pain and stiffness worsened Pat developed a course of treatment that was, and is, most effective in keeping me mobile, flexible and almost, but not entirely, pain free.”
Kay L.
shoulder replacement
“Treatment at Smith Chiropractic has been unerringly professional, kind and so highly intelligent that my 40 years of hospital work has led me to make Smith Chiropractic my first stop whenever I need to consider surgery or medical care or make medical decisions.”
Cindi P. (parent)
sports injuries
“Dr. Smith has treated many of my children's injuries from recovery after broken bones, shoulder tendonitis, pinched nerves, hip flexor problems, and a torn calf muscle. His deep knowledge of how to treat athletes has allowed them to play through their injuries, rather than taking a significant amount of time off from their sport, along with his ability to understand and quickly diagnose a problem, in my opinion, has prevented more severe issues. ”