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Is Texting Giving You a Sore Thumb?

Is All That Texting Giving You a Sore Thumb?

Texting has become one of the most popular means of communicating in today’s techno savvy world. In a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, it was found that Americans between the ages of 18 to 24 sent an average of 110 texts per day. That’s insane! While you are typing out all those messages, you are putting unfavorable tension and pressure on your thumbs. Over time, continuous use of your thumbs for texting can lead to painful tendonitis, which is inflammation of the tendons, and you can develop premature arthritis. That sounds like a problem that no one wants!

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Is Your Smartphone Becoming a Pain-in-the-Neck?

The Growing Problem of Text Neck Syndrome: In today’s technology driven world, more and more people are constantly viewing their smartphones on a daily basis. It was reported that the average person views their mobile device 110 times a day. That’s insane! While you are constantly looking down at your phone, you are putting tons of stress and tension on your neck. Over time, this can strain the neck’s muscular and skeletal structures. Yikes, that does not sound good.

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Shrugging and Hamstring Stretching Techniques

Simple exercises for neck pain and tight hamstrings: I was going over some old documents in my office the other day when I came across these.  They were articles I wrote for the Independent Press back in 2001 and 2004.  The advice still applies today, so I hope you’ll take heed and follow some of the information I provide!

For more information about the Shrugging technique, click here.

If you want to find out more about what I recommend for hamstrings, click here.

Client Testimonial: Paul G.

On August 2,1989 I was driving home from visiting my brother. As I was crossing the Weston Canal Causeway in Manville, NJ I noticed a dump truck approaching me. The truck was fishtailing back and forth as the driver swung the steering wheel left and right. He was towing a large six wheeled trailer filled with commercial lawn mowers and leaf blowers. The trailer struck the bridge abutment, was lofted over the truck and crashed on the top of my car.

The roof was lower than the steering wheel. I was knocked unconscious by the violence of the crash. The first thing I remember was a man standing by the side of my car saying I am the captain of a rescue squad and I think you are badly hurt, don’t try to move. Followed immediately by another man who said I think your car is on fire, you better get out fast. I slid to the right side of the car managed to open the passenger-side door part way and squirmed out of the car.

The rescue squad arrived, strapped me to a body board and took me to the emergency room. The doctor diagnosed a broken neck and verified his diagnosis with x-rays. The doctor immobilized my head and neck with a device for this purpose and emergency surgery was scheduled for the next day.

I was told it would be a two to three hour operation. In the event I was on the table for ten hours. The doctor had screwed a metal plate on the front of my cervical spine along with bone grafts to fuse and immobilize my spine.

The immobilization caused a great deal of pain and loss of motion in turning my head. This loss of motion is of course permanent and began to cause stress to other parts of my spine. After a course of physical therapy I was allowed to return to work.

I was not a stranger to chiropractic; I had seen two or three doctors previous to the accident. But it was at this time that I had the great good fortune to meet and be treated by Dr. Patrick Smith. Dr. Smith is an extraordinary diagnostician and superb practitioner of his science and art. As pain and stiffness worsened Pat developed a course of treatment that was, and is, most effective in keeping me mobile, flexible and almost, but not entirely, pain free.

After such a serious accident I say that I have just enough pain to remind me to thank God that I can feel anything. And also grateful to God for putting me in Dr. Smith’s more than capable hands.

Is Vitamin D for Me?

The Importance of Vitamin D: This post is very important to everyone interested in good health, so please read on and share with family and friends.  It has been said that Vitamin D is shaping up  to be the nutrient of the year, if not the decade. It’s all over the news, more  people are experiencing deficiencies and many people seem to be confused about what they should do. So let’s review the ABCs of Vitamin D so that you can make the best choices for great health.

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What Our Patients Say

Paul G.
auto accident
“I was not a stranger to chiropractic; I had seen two or three doctors previous to the accident. But it was at this time that I had the great good fortune to meet and be treated by Dr. Patrick Smith. Dr. Smith is an extraordinary diagnostician and superb practitioner of his science and art. As pain and stiffness worsened Pat developed a course of treatment that was, and is, most effective in keeping me mobile, flexible and almost, but not entirely, pain free.”
Kay L.
shoulder replacement
“Treatment at Smith Chiropractic has been unerringly professional, kind and so highly intelligent that my 40 years of hospital work has led me to make Smith Chiropractic my first stop whenever I need to consider surgery or medical care or make medical decisions.”
Cindi P. (parent)
sports injuries
“Dr. Smith has treated many of my children's injuries from recovery after broken bones, shoulder tendonitis, pinched nerves, hip flexor problems, and a torn calf muscle. His deep knowledge of how to treat athletes has allowed them to play through their injuries, rather than taking a significant amount of time off from their sport, along with his ability to understand and quickly diagnose a problem, in my opinion, has prevented more severe issues. ”